Monday, March 25, 2024

dear dogwood,

the path curves and you call it home. I can only hope the peace you've given me is but a small piece of what you breathe. magnolia blooms in your honor. i'll follow. 

see you.

Friday, October 23, 2020

double tulips

a coffee and maybe some tea
wait here and we'll see
tulip blooms, grand as can be 
if only you were here with me

Thursday, March 21, 2019


they're sometimes running,
and another times frozen in memories.
crouching on the cusp of time,
why can't you dry off the cuff of your clothes?
your accessories are rusting
at the same rate as your reach.
chasing after what they can no longer embrace.
it's okay to follow but when you get lost
come back.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Dear you,

One year really doesn't seem like a long time. But, it is. 
But it also isn't. 

I don't think I really should be writing to you. 
I don't really want to ruin your joy. 
But, since I started, I'm not going to hang you by a thread. 

Hi. I'm you. About 430 days in the future. 

Wherever you think you're gonna won't be there. Not anymore at least. 


Well, you made a decision. Not one you regret, but one you wish you had more time to make. 
But then you did make a regrettable decision. So, my purpose in this is to tell you to think. 

Do not take your time but think clearly. 
But you might need time to do that so my warning would be...don't be afraid. 

Sorry this is a bit of a mess.  
You are a bit of a mess.

Sunday, July 22, 2018


Today marks the one year anniversary of the beginning of the life I had only dreamed about. 
Today marks the one year anniversary of the first time I was proud of myself for giving everything I had to live the life I wanted. 
Today marks the one year anniversary of the start of my own life for myself. And nobody else. 

What a wonderful day, what a wonderful occasion it would've been. 

One year ago I could've never imagined to have been able to do the things I set out to do. 
I would've never imagined that a short 300 days or so would not only be filled with the best days of my life but the worst. 
The scenary starts to choke me 
With its contaminated chains 
I tried to leave you be 
And the monster pain 
It consumed my every being 
My every laughter from then 
Stopped me from seeing 
That I can never try again.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Naruto, Here I Come!

Seems like I've spent my whole life hoping
Dreaming of things I've never tried 
Tangled in knots just waiting for my time to shine 
What if the doors began to open? 
What if the knots became untied? 
What if one day nothing stood in my way and the world was mine 
Would it feel this fine? 

Cause I got the wind in my hair and a gleam in my eyes and an endless horizon
I got a smile on my face and I'm walking on air 
Everything life ought to be 
It's all gonna happen to me out there 
And I'll find it, I swear, 
With the wind in my hair 

So many roads I've yet to travel
So many friends I haven't met 
So many new adventures just around the bend 
Plenty of mysteries to unravel
Tons of mistakes to not regret
So much to see and to do and to be, a whole life to spend
And it doesn't end 

And I got the wind in my hair and a song in my heart and the funs only started
I got a skip in my step and I haven't a care
That beautiful breeze blowing through 
It's gonna carry me who knows where
And I'll take any dare 
With the wind in my hair 

I got a smile on my face and I'm walking on air 
And everything life ought to be
Well I know that it's waiting for me out there
And I'll find it, I swear, 
With the wind in my hair ~! 

So grateful for Tangled: the series and for this awesome song!! 

Monday, December 19, 2016

Dear my wavering heart,

Dear my wavering heart, 
The world is full of hatred.
So you mustn't let go of the resolve
but why do you cry with such uncertainty? 

All your memories are filled with happiness
And there you are replaying that song.
What has become of your perseverance? 
What has become of your love?