Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dear YUI, ありがとう

The first thing that comes to mind while I try to re-write this letter of gratitude is I hope one day I can translate it fully into Japanese so that it will retain the meaning that I would like it to.
Watching your interviews, concerts; listening to your music, makes me smile. Not only are you beautiful, but so strong and awesome~ You really are amazing. 
When I read the translations of your songs I know you're singing with your heart, singing for yourself and for your fans. And for that I want to thank you a thousand times.
You saved me, a thousand times and more. When I walk through the park, when I'm laying on my bed, when I'm going through challenges, you and your music are always with me. Your talent has given me the strength and courage.
When people ask me my favorite song that you sing, I become so troubled because I fall in love with every single one of them. I might have to split my love for each of your songs but they are still overflowing~ 
My friend gave me "I Loved Yesterday" as a Christmas present, and I would also like to thank her along with this message. I hope she gets it.
I watched your interview for going on hiatus. I know you will accomplish all you set out to do.   I hope I can, along with your fans, give you the strength when you need it. Ganbare YUI~ 
Enjoy yourself to the fullest~ We will be here, patiently waiting for your return. Please take care. ^^

With love, 

P.S. I hope I can meet you in person one day~ It would be pretty awesome.  ^^

Monday, January 21, 2013

Spring's Flowers' Serenade

The wind invites me to dance,
So I joyfully gather my friends too;
This might be our last chance
We might forget the sky’s color blue.
A pretty girl in a summer’s pastel dress
Will want to make us hers
And that’ll happen unless
The rainfall occurs. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Walking home from the diner, I told myself I have to blog about my first sleepover. Strange enough, I started this post but I haven't got much to say? Nevertheless, it was fun. ^^
I got to see fireworks during New Year's~ it was pretty and not as loud as I remember it to be.