Monday, June 9, 2014


Fernweh n. (German): feeling homesick for a place you have never been to

I'm not quite sure what it is but every morning for the past week I felt like I could roll out of bed, take a flight of stairs and leisurely make breakfast for myself. But every day I wasn't able to do so, not only because of the year-old pan of pasta that a colony of flies have inhabited, because I wasn't home. I didn't have a refrigerator or my own cup to pour orange juice into. That doesn't exactly bother me but in the back of my brain I am being constantly reminded: 
  • So, are you going to transfer here? 
  • So, what are you going to major in?
  • So, have you found what you're looking for? 
  • SO what are you going to do? 
After a week of going to class, not taking the MTA, making friends, eating omelettes for breakfast, showering while stepping on shoes, signing into Wi-Fi every night and exploring avenues I can't differentiate, my head is still somewhere in the clouds that just won't bring rain for the flowers to bloom. 


Now I'm into week two and I am becoming more comfortable and acquainted with the area, with the people and the place. But I have been missing home, missing my family, my boyfriend and my friends. 

Fernweh. The place where the road stretches for miles with grass and flowers accompanying my journey on my bike. The clouds cheering me on my journey. Where will I end up?