Saturday, September 6, 2014


Recently I've come to a revelation that I haven't visited or used blogger in a while because I didn't need it anymore. I only wrote, or had random outbreaks of wanting to write, whenever I was feeling lonely or somber. That would be good news. Long periods of time without posts would be happier days and full of positive emotions me. That would be good news, but then there is the appearance of this post. 
Now that I have officially begun the 2nd year of college, the pressures of choosing a major no longer crept behind, but are shoved in my seemingly apathetic carefree face. There is so much desire to create a dream future that I just want to pick something and just go with the flow. Is it that terrible to have vague interest in many fields? It is that necessary to choose a major that might dictate your career? 

& I haven't quite found what I'm looking for yet. 

I hope you all are well. The weather is changing bit by bit so please take care. ~