Right after I finished this week's Magi, which was very amusing to watch, I continued to watch some Naruto Shippuden. I think it was around, 2:30, I started a new anime, Natsuyuki Rendezvous. Reading the synopsis several times, I decided (several times) that it wouldn't be an anime that wouldn't be any good. Boy, was I wrong~ At around 7:00 I successfully finished this eleven episode awesomeness~
I'm not sure where to start, I've never been good at giving summaries of animes, so please search that on your own~ The art is very nice and for every episode, you'll unconsciously wish for some things to happen and you'll have to keep watching to see if it happens~ Each person's voice actors fit very well. I guess my feelings are still a bit jumbled so my words are all over the place. Please excuse me ^^"
Opening and ending song are awesome~ I couldn't root for any one person because in the end, I just wanted all them to find happiness. All in all, I think this anime is really good so, if you'd like, please watch it til the end. ^^