Sunday, July 22, 2018


Today marks the one year anniversary of the beginning of the life I had only dreamed about. 
Today marks the one year anniversary of the first time I was proud of myself for giving everything I had to live the life I wanted. 
Today marks the one year anniversary of the start of my own life for myself. And nobody else. 

What a wonderful day, what a wonderful occasion it would've been. 

One year ago I could've never imagined to have been able to do the things I set out to do. 
I would've never imagined that a short 300 days or so would not only be filled with the best days of my life but the worst. 
The scenary starts to choke me 
With its contaminated chains 
I tried to leave you be 
And the monster pain 
It consumed my every being 
My every laughter from then 
Stopped me from seeing 
That I can never try again.