Wednesday, December 28, 2011


scintillating adj. brilliant
Hayao Miyazaki is simply scintillating. There can't be anything better than taking a novel and making it come alive with even more character. Even with his other original movies, imagination is limitless. Re-watching Howl's Moving Castle reminded me about the amazing wonders of animation. It is satisfying, yet depressing, to fall in love again with a fictional character. Imagination can truly take you to places beyond the realms. I guess you can say I'm rather thankful that I still have places to escape to when reality proves rather...shitty?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


vapid adj lacking liveliness

Today is the second day of the week, Tuesday. Even though it is an applicable excuse to say that I'm vapid because of that, I can't blame it all on that reason. I had an interview for Webmaster today, and I'm quite anxious to know whether or not I got the position. Vapidness is evident because of my constant over-thinking. Maybe it's , but I can't seem to not about it and it's quite cumbersome. Perhaps what I'm doing to cut ties is a good idea, maybe it's horrible. I think I'll start putting labels for the post.
On second thought, I don't really like labels, even though it helps with the organizing, but some things don't need organization.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


vexation noun the state of being annoyed, frustrated or worried

What a strange word. The state of being annoyed is far related to the state of being worried. Things that cause frustration is relatively far from things that might cause you to worry. In any case, evidence of vexation has been lingering around me for quite some time. I'm annoyed that frustration occurs. I'm frustrated at the face that I worry. And though I refuse to say it out loud, I worry that I'm much too annoyed and/or frustrated. You know, the human brain is the cause of everything and it's complications are suppose to be significant.

The day after today is the continuation of education causes me vexation.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


assiduous adj. persistent and unremitting

Sometimes, persistence can be extremely, without sugar coating it, annoying. Even so, I have a friend that seemingly knows me better than I do and is suuuuuuuuper assiduous. I must divulge, I'm thankful that they are.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


soporose adj sleepy

I spent my entire day sleeping and watching Alice on Syfy. I didn't go to school. And even though I slept for countless hours, here I am still tired. Even taking a day off from school did not shake off my weakness and desperate longing for slumber. Alice is really interesting; I think it was a less traditional eerie twist on the classic, but nevertheless really interesting. The Hatter was also very cool looking. I can't decide which one I like more; Andrew Lee as Hatter or Johnny Depp as Mad Hatter.

Monday, December 5, 2011


cozen verb trick or deceive

There's something about the fog that makes it very compelling to drown into. The Christmas lights looks brighter and more mysterious under the thick air. It feels nice having the clouds come by to the ground and surround you with it's chill. I'm not sure how it relates to today's word. I've been a mess.

Can you cozen someone out of kindness?

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I've been incomprehensibly lethargic lately. My deepest apologies.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Double or Nothing

insolent adj disrespectful in speech or conduct, haughty
machinations verb scheming or crafty actions intended to accomplish an evil end

I meet a lot of insolent people nowadays, I won't forget to include yours truly. It's rather late to be posting a blog when I really should finish my useless U.S. history homework. Oh dear, is it passed 12 already? That means it is a Thursday and I missed two days of posting. My greatest apologies to my loyal presence-less readers. It's nice to believe that I have people that check my blog everyday, like I do for other people. I'm a bit of a creep and beginning to become a socially awkward one. I'll divulge, I like to put blame on other people for my wrong doings, internally. But, hatred of any sort is not present. So, I like to think that someone did some incantation so I've lost my ability to socialize. It's rather strange, I giggle at the fact that someone cares so much as to attempt to ruin me. My world has never had any link of any sort to reality.
I've been indirectly insolent lately; neglecting my schoolwork.