Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Triple or Study

candid adj. completely honest; straightforward
effusive v. showing excessive emotion; overflowing
enigma n. a puzzle, mystery or riddle

What another January night to reminiscence. As exhausted I complain to be, I'm still as reluctant to do what I should be doing, homework and studying. I'll try to be as candid as I can.
I've always considered myself to always be effusive, internally. Even so, I still wish that there was someone to understand me or even listen to what I have to say and have some sort of feedback. Oh dear, I'm digressing.
I occasionally go through my autograph book in middle+elementary school for a good cry or laugh. There would always be entries where people would say something along the lines of "I always see you smiling and good luck to you in school" I guess I was pretty content back then. I don't recall, unfortunately, any time where I was full of smiles. Then, I began to ponder, did I really present myself full of smiles? If that was so, then how come I'm so out of it now? Were the changes that negative? Hm, maybe I'll be able to get an hour or two out of someone so they can listen to what's on my mind.

One of my worst posts I must divulge; exhaustion is transforming into fatigue and disregard.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Triple or Break

onerous adj. burdensome
maverick non. one who is independent
augment v. make greater in size

Even though it is a new year, let's take the time in January to look back and grasp on even harder to those memories eh? Because I like to be the odd one out; it gives me a sense of uniqueness. Sounds cocky? I thought it might.
Today I bumped, I wish it was literal, into an old acquaintance. I've always followed her blog because I found her to be an interesting person, one that deserves more recognition than she is given. I strongly remember that time where she called me out of the blue in the 7th grade? and began to talk to me about my so called, "first love". Let's save that for another January night.
She began speculating on our "relationship" and told me what he had said. I don't remember what I had felt at that time of the conversation, but I'm sure I enjoyed it because I finally got to confront someone about it. Thinking back, why did we stop talking? Why did I stop poking her when I saw her in the hallway? Then it hit me, that perhaps when my connection with him vanished, so did her interest in being my friend?
Is that the kind of stuff you're supposed to think when you see a person you used to talk to? I'm only human; but I gotta say, that's pretty pathetic. I should have gathered enough courage to sit next to her and initiate conversation. But that might end on a bad note: awkwardness followed by a "who the fuck are you?"