Sunday, April 22, 2012


susurrus n. a soft whispering or rustling sound

"I'm not allowed to do such. If they find out, my life'll be in danger. Not that I value it or anything..." she said to herself. Out of nowhere, she heard a susurrus and she instantly placed her hand on the dagger she had underneath her tattered clothing. She took an imperceptible deep breath and turned to look outside the window. Nobody, just the trees. Her training site had that disadvantage of being guided by the constant winds.
Redamancy was the biggest crime in her nation. The sign of a worthless individual that would be killed without warning at the site of a battle. For every human that had felt any feelings of such would be placed underground forever, for the King would allow no weak citizens to exist in his nation. The underground had no light nor sound from the outside; not enough to be called torture, but worse than death itself. With no casket for the dead and no sympathy for the punished, this place was not suited for people to exist.

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