Monday, May 28, 2012


I remember when my cousin first showed me this game site when I was around 6 years old. I definitely did not expect games that had beautiful graphics, amazing music and entertaining games. The music is always nostalgic and soothing. 

I just wanted to share such awesome-ness to you guys. (Whoever/Whomever you guys happen to be)  

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I don't burp; I tend to belch

I have this, thing that I do. I don't want to call it a hobby, because, well, simply because, I don't do it often. It occurs at very arbitrary times.
It might be a short story, or a picture, a manga, or just a quote. Sometimes, I remember how much I liked it and so I spend my time browsing frantically looking for it. It's almost like a, replenish of the past. A sort of reassurance that I need.
I went all the way back a hundred pages and read my friend's post. She wrote about me and called me her best friend. I still remember. But, the funny thing is, this isn't another sob post about what happened; actually it's one of realization. When did we stop talking? When did she stop telling me everything? The sudden punch of reality sometimes leaves me at dead ends. Then I get mad at myself for letting that happen. When did I change?
Emotions really screw you over.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Tsuritama Opening

Definately makes up for my wet converse for the whole school day, boring English Class, failed quiz & test.
Yes, elated indeed.


Kimi to Boku opening~

New music~ 
The amount of awesome is breathtaking. Just listening to it makes me really happy. 
Cheers to 君と僕Tomohisa Sakou  & Zutto. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I realized I've never actually made a written down list of my favorite anime series.
So, here it is, in no particular order because I'm still debating.

  • One Piece [ ワンピース]
  • 銀魂 [Gintama]
  • 君と僕。[Kimi to Boku]
  • つり球 [Tsuritama]
I vaguely remember the awesomeness of Escaflowne. If I can get my hands on that one and re-watch it that would be nice. I don't know if Avatar: The Last Airbender counts as an anime but if so, definately. Clannad was a a nice one too. Kuroshitsuji must be at least top 10 (even though I haven't finished season 2) 
I sure hope I didn't miss any...

thought: What's the difference between ( ) and [ ] ? 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

[Slight] Alterations

I wonder what makes people shy or embarrassed. What about the feeling of awkward? I'd rather not be acquainted with that feeling. Being outgoing used to be no problem, I wouldn't give two shits about embarrassing myself. It was actually kind of fun, to just put myself out there. I took on the role of making people laugh at my silly-ness and mistakes; and without question I would leisurely laugh along. But lately, I've begun to see the evident change of hostility. I don't initiate the "hello" wave to the friend I've known for the last twelves years of my existence but rather wave to the girl that I see consistently throughout the day. Maybe I'm the only one that over thinks it. Nevertheless, there it goes again. There change goes, doing it's daily works and being busy without my proper consent.
I wish you were here to judge for me whether I should accept it peacefully or wage war.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


quiescent adj. a quiet, soft spoken soul 

There's something about the increasing heat that makes my heart heavy and makes me feel uneasy. Inevitably, I'm left to think about the past summers of love, hate, sad, happy. (I felt like if I used vocabulary for that it would just be unnecessary) Today is Mother's Day and we didn't have our usual feast with extra three red chairs and six sets of chopsticks. Change is starting to make itself more and more evident.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


conspicuous adj. easily seen, noticeable

So I've realized that I haven't posted in a while that I had to go back to my old posts and figure out the styling for the definitions. Either way, I'm back and ready to load this blog with intellectual vents, recollections, minor vulgar language and daily feelings.
I took the SAT on Saturday and I saw an old classmate of mine. I was very excited to see him; it's been three years since. Even so, I was scared to say hi for the same reasons. What if he doesn't remember me? I think it would be better if my gut feeling wasn't proven correct.
Feelings really screw you over. Maybe it's because I'm naturally sensitive so I over think things. But, for some unfathomable reason, this is one of those feelings I just can't shake off. Why is it that it constantly occurs so subtly, but not subtle enough for me not to detect them? And, even with my colorful imagination, I just can't come up with a reason why. Why is it that I feel so uncomfortable?  I feel like I'm trying too hard to be accepted and humorous. It's been so long, 7 years, and it isn't supposed to be this way. So why?
I can't avoid him; it's just something I simply can not do. But I'm limiting my contact and conversations. It isn't on purpose and it's not a plan. It's like, my heart knows it's something I need to do and to protect me, it does it spontaneously. My brain knows it too, and for my health, works hand in hand with my heart to come up with this plot that I have no agreement to. I guess I'm still hurt. But I believe time is the only thing that can help me, so I'm just patiently waiting.
I miss her. I miss her too. Whatever supernatural force or some twisted coincidence, I still can't believe that within one year I had to go back there again. The same room and the same people conducting it. I hope they're happy; even in different places, I still wish the best. I bet heaven is different for everyone.
It just sucks.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Practicing Enoshima Dance

Just waiting for the full version of the opening of Kimi to Boku 2 and Tsuritama.

Makes me happy when I get to watch.