Wednesday, September 19, 2012


eschew v. to avoid, shun

Today's word was chosen because it is a rather cute word. I don't think there is a way to say it that won't follow with slight giggles. I hope that was phrased in a way that made sense..

I've finished my homework for tomorrow, but I should begin with the others that are due next week. Sleeping at twelve o'clock won't work anymore, every blink of an eye is just a step closer to falling asleep. But, maybe I'll leave that for tomorrow.
I finished building Going Merry on Sunday~ It is now happily next to Thousand Sunny in a clean space in my room. I'll upload a picture soon?
Lately, I've been thinking about Natsume Takashi. How he is so nice even to those that aren't to him, how he is so sincere and works hard to help other humans and youkai. Most people think fantasizing about fictional characters is, well to put it simply, stupidly retarded. In some ways, I guess it could be. But, when I watch Natsume Yuujinchou, I want to be just as nice and helpful to others. When I watch Gintama and One Piece, I think about the importance of risking everything for what you think is important. Kimi to Boku is definately a portrayal of the friendship I hope to make.
Now that I'm going off on a tangent, guess I'll stop here to avoid further embarrassment.

Thanks for reading ^^

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