Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hurry up and wait

I was reading my old posts in this blog and it's been a year huh? Not exactly, but close enough. 
This year I started 2nd period, around 8:00, and leave at 12:50-ish. With three APs and gym last period, there, isn't much to say. Unfortunately. 
Recently a typewriter has inhabited the back of my brain. When I close my eyes, I hear sounds of irritating ticks and printings of what I need to do. There are many assignments I need to complete, applications I need to fill out and things I need to do. I'm still getting my "Emily-hour" everyday; that's the secret to managing my stress. Even with the full six hours of sleep, the yawns keep coming back. 

I apologize for the podsnack advertisement that comes before the songs, but the songs make up for it. 
I promise.

Monday, October 8, 2012


I screamed myself hoarse
and it echoes and echoes
but no one's there to hear it.
The chains are gone, 
but nothing's been freed.

clear-Just Be Friends

Thursday, October 4, 2012


covet v. to want intensely 

Today, my school had an assembly that was supposedly thought of as important. Every time I go to one of those, I end up getting really pissed because they either talk about things I already know or irritating attempts at motivation. So, I didn't go and stayed in my APES class with a few other people.
My friend with the awesomest hair comes in and hangs out (what a rebel). She was telling me about her plan after high school. She will major in Asian studies and apply to an online college for business. She's going to be a business translator. She will have receive a visa and be able to work and stay in Japan at the age of 23. After living there for five years, she'll become a citizen by thirty.
Listening to her talk about her goal, I became very envious. She was so sure about what she wanted to do, and her plan seems flawless. That was something I coveted. I have never been so envious of something, and as I listened to her, I wanted to grab her hand and tell her "You will, without doubt, succeed. And when you do, let's have lunch together in Japan"
It was always a desire of mine to teach in Japan. The environment, even though I have never visited, is something I see in my dreams. I picture myself teaching in front of five-year olds speaking in Japanese and giving biscuits to the clumsy student that accidentally dropped their bento. Hearing my friend's goal, I realize how much exactly I want to make the picture reality.
My cousin is actually teaching in Japan right now. When I heard about it, I also coveted. My desire increased as I wanted, so much, to finish all the requirements to teach in Japan.
This current feud between Japan and China makes me very upset, because I know I'm not the only person that has a dream of going to another country and accomplishing their desires. Perhaps someone in Japan would love to go to China as well.
I can confidently say, that my dream is to teach preschool or elementary in Japan. But I fear devising a plan, because I know any missteps in the plan will be a road bump. So I will give it my bestest shot and to make it come true.