Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hurry up and wait

I was reading my old posts in this blog and it's been a year huh? Not exactly, but close enough. 
This year I started 2nd period, around 8:00, and leave at 12:50-ish. With three APs and gym last period, there, isn't much to say. Unfortunately. 
Recently a typewriter has inhabited the back of my brain. When I close my eyes, I hear sounds of irritating ticks and printings of what I need to do. There are many assignments I need to complete, applications I need to fill out and things I need to do. I'm still getting my "Emily-hour" everyday; that's the secret to managing my stress. Even with the full six hours of sleep, the yawns keep coming back. 

I apologize for the podsnack advertisement that comes before the songs, but the songs make up for it. 
I promise.

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