Monday, February 18, 2013


The sunlight is brighter than yesterday
But surely that doesn't bother you
As you try to listen to the song of the waves
You're really crying inside aren't you?

You've worked hard to be where you are
But is it where you've wanted to be?
Years have gone by without your consent
And now you've wondered what have become of yourself.

They've told you to stop believing
Hoping will only leave your heart in pieces
But you want to trust in your story
Writing has left yourself in doubt.

Humming your favorite songs on the train
You want to be just like the melody
The flowers grow in hopes of reaching the sky
You will be the flower that reaches.

The clouds that pass by ease your wavering heart
You wonder where they will end up
Wherever they will be, is where you will be
Under your favorite blue sky

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