Wednesday, November 9, 2011


ambiguous adj. having a double meaning

Junior year arrives as nothing short of tough. Loads of homework and AP classes fill up the daily schedule. Me, on the other end of hard work, have zero APs and less homework in comparison to my fellow companions. I go home at 2:30 for the first week, then I began to join clubs. Now, I'm in six. That adds to my schedule so the earliest time I arrive home is 3 and I also have mural painting on Wednesday from 4-7. In terms of having lots to do, I guess I'm pretty busy.

Everywhere you see, you can kind of point out the Juniors. They have excessive bags under their eyes and even the slightest zombie-like feature when passing occurs. They complain to me about their truck load of assignments that need to be done. I actually don't mind it one bit, I'm a good listener, if I may say so myself. A majority of the people have AP classes and Intel so they always tell me they're tired and how much they slept at night. Tired, deprived of sleep.
I sleep after 11 everyday now, I just can't help it. I can't go to sleep without doing something I enjoy. Why? Because if I do, I think I will have mental breakdowns everyday. That's just the way I work. So, yeah, everyday I'm deprived of sleep.

"I'm tired", oh how ambiguous it is.

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