Thursday, December 1, 2011

Double or Nothing

insolent adj disrespectful in speech or conduct, haughty
machinations verb scheming or crafty actions intended to accomplish an evil end

I meet a lot of insolent people nowadays, I won't forget to include yours truly. It's rather late to be posting a blog when I really should finish my useless U.S. history homework. Oh dear, is it passed 12 already? That means it is a Thursday and I missed two days of posting. My greatest apologies to my loyal presence-less readers. It's nice to believe that I have people that check my blog everyday, like I do for other people. I'm a bit of a creep and beginning to become a socially awkward one. I'll divulge, I like to put blame on other people for my wrong doings, internally. But, hatred of any sort is not present. So, I like to think that someone did some incantation so I've lost my ability to socialize. It's rather strange, I giggle at the fact that someone cares so much as to attempt to ruin me. My world has never had any link of any sort to reality.
I've been indirectly insolent lately; neglecting my schoolwork.

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