Tuesday, April 10, 2012


rancorous adj. hateful

I'm not sure why I decided to change the name of my URL. Maybe I was too intimidated by the fact that there was a possibility that someone I knew would actually be reading. There might actually be one person that knew how I felt; the thought makes me shiver. Perhaps I can never overcome the fear of being honest. It's scary to let someone know everything about you, in the end they've got the upper hand. Not that anyone I know would plot my demise. Then again...it's better to stay on the safe side. Nevertheless, it's eminage now. Zun Ni came up with that name for me; it was initially a Japanese name for fun. Over time, I've used that name again and again. Eminage has become the person I wish I could become. She smiles and is full of good. She is outgoing and daring. She's a truly happy and content person. She is brave and isn't scared of doing anything because she is determined. Of course, from time to time she'll get mad but she'll always find a way to overcome that anger and suppress it. The next time it comes around, she'll know what to do. Oh, Eminage~ Where art thou? For your presence is dearly requested by this tired and rancorous girl.

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