Wednesday, September 12, 2012


abate v. to become less in amount or intensity

School has recently started. I am constantly reminded of the past days as the weather starts to get colder. But no complaints here, I fell in love with the September breeze.

I have three AP classes, so procrastination is not an option. Even so, I've started a new manga, Dengeki Daisy. Reading shoujo mangas get me a little bit depressed, because I always reminiscence and dream about that kind of romance. I'm a hopeless romantic aren't I?
Today, something in me stirred so I searched up that song again. The song we heard on the rooftop on the last day. But this time, I didn't cry. I stopped the song before it ended. I'm waiting for the day when I can smile wholeheartedly about those days we all spent together. But I fear what the future holds.
My blog views have increased since the last time I've signed on. Thank you for all that have read, or even passed by. ^^
I haven't written in my other blog because it bothers me a little writing such personal things for someone I know to see. Even if she is my best friend; I guess that is something I have to overcome. Being honest sure is difficult.
And without my consent, the leaves continue to fall. It will be time for me to rake them again. As the sun's warmth abates, so will my energy.

I hope you have warm clothes for the upcoming winter.

and hope the sun doesn't stop shining
because I'll never get tired of you smiling © 

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