Friday, December 21, 2012


As I said the usual words of parting during the holidays, I found myself doing it very briefly. Walking away, my bangs fell over my glasses and disrupted my pace. Our separated goodbyes were so sloppy, like we all knew with certainty we would definitely be able to see each other again when school resumes. Have we taken each other's presence for granted? On purpose or unconsciously? During this occasion or all the time? The thought of it made me uneasy. 
This winter, I am actually having a lot more fun than expected. I've been able to have such interesting conversations and hear funny remarks.  I received my first manga and it is One Piece from the goodest Nancy~ The prankster Eric got me deodorant very nicely wrapped. I only wrote holiday cards for Rachel and Gloria (because they're so cool) and was not expecting to get a card and cute earrings from Rachel. Getting to know these people more and more makes me very excited for college. Not only are they genuine, but so full of such positive human traits, the traits I wouldn't mind acquiring. 
My expectations for the next few days are high. Expectations and I have never shared a mutual relationship. Even so, its not my responsibility to make it work. So, expectations, do your stuff~

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