Friday, February 3, 2012


I apologize to my readers (yes, I still have hope) that I haven't been posting lately. Life's been very very troublesome lately that vehement feelings have been arising but I'm trying my best to keep them suppressed. I believe that I'll be back soon.
This post isn't really a break or anything of the sort. I remember a while back when my friend showed me a story on deviantart. Recently I've been able to retrieve that back into my memory and I'd like to share it with you. It is breathtaking and simply beautiful. The art, the story, everything. It's truly inspiring, but I fall short in the art of creating images. I yearn eagerly for the continuation of Chapter 4 along with this other fanfiction I've been reading for years. But that one is probably a lost cause since there hasn't been an upload since, I believe two years? Sorry for the digression, here it is for your moment of perfection, Knite.

A word to the author; thanks for creating perfection.

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