Tuesday, May 14, 2013


You know what I don't really understand is the ignorance of people. When we were little, we would always say "it's none of your beezwax" when we would poke our noses into two girl's conversation. Worse case scenario, we would tattle tail on them on the teacher and they would, well, mind their own beezwax. But there is no more telling on them when you get older. People need to understand that whatever happens to two other people is really none of their business. If they want to share, then they will. And if you're asking because you care and just want to know of the situation so you don't say anything stupid, go ahead. But we are not a show. We don't need to report to anyone. I don't need to hear stupid remarks and your opinion. The only reason you should be voicing your opinion is if I so much as ask for it. I'm already drowning in guilt and your stupid little ignorance I really don't need. Within juggling everyday irritations, I need to deal with figuring out what the hell I'm going to do. And I know you're trying extra hard to not to say anything but it shows on your face oh so clearly what you're thinking. But for not saying anything, I appreciate that. But, some people really need to put their noses where they belong. And it is not in my or our business. 
Mind your own damn beezwax.

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