Thursday, May 2, 2013


Today I went to go get a haircut at Sal's (I hope that's how you spell his name ^^"), Samantha goes there a lot and she suggested I try it out. I went first and got a pretty good haircut, so it was fun ~ Afterward, I sat there and waited for Sam to get hers and a cat walked into the room. Her name is Ruby. The first time, she climbed the chair next to mine and sniffed me. This was the first time a cat has ever been so friendly with me. She licked me; I always thought cat's tongues were like sandpaper, but I guess I was wrong. She left the room after sniffing me some more. Minutes later, she came back and started sniffed my knee and my armpits. I guess she didn't mind the smell so she made herself comfortable on my thighs. She used her head and tried to move my hand so I could give her a nice cat massage. I spent a good 15 minutes sitting there scratching her, she's soft ~ And sometimes her tail would kind of move around in a circle. She was really enjoying it when she had her eyes closed, almost smiling. I was upset I had to leave her because she looked so relaxed with my prescense and I was very happy being with her too ~ I felt like she was trying to tell me something but totally forgot when I started massaging her. 
Even so, I know Sal is a great cat friend and he'll take awesome care of her. He's a pretty cool guy and Ruby is in good care. 

This one was a change of pace huh. Good night ^^

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