Monday, November 21, 2011


bemused adj. lost in thought; preoccupied

10:53 p.m. Monday night. Monday means school the next day, having school the next day means having homework due. In my case, I have plenty to finish and plenty to make up. Even with the reality bluntly shown, here I am typing the blog. The textbook is opened to Section 3 about Woman and Reform. I take a sigh. I don't, in the slightest bit, care.
I have a lot of Physics things to do, including a Physics lab report that was due today that I couldn't do due to the misplacement of the data. Right, I also have that packet I have to make up. Fuck, I also have a test tomorrow on vectors. Why do I have the seemingly most important class first period at 7:15 a.m? What about that math test Wednesday? What other shit do I have to do...hah, or more like, what other shit am I not going to do?

And you'd think my mind would be bemused by school related thoughts.
Oh how incorrect you are.~

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