Thursday, November 10, 2011


tenebrous adj. dark and gloomy, obscure

Today I decided that I wanted to go to my aunt's house after Ping Pong Club. After stepping out of the train station and laughing about clubs, I began to walk through Leif Ericson while having A Room - YUI fill the emptiness in my mind. The wind was interacting with the color changing trees in a blissful way. The wind kissed my cheek and the leaves around me danced their way to the broken,cemented road. My lips formed into a smile before I knew it and my eyes began fill up with tears. I didn't know what to feel. As I looked into the park, flashbacks of memories play in fast forward without any added soundtrack. The leaves continued to dance and the trees continued to sing.

As I walked back into the smelly streets filled with purposeless people, I looked up into the sky. It was like a palette of grey, white to the darkest shade. It was the most unnatural grey I've seen. It was as if the sky tried so hard to show it's discontent by blackening itself. Again, I didn't know what to feel. I felt sorrow and anger and hatred. Humans really are a disappointing species.

It was indeed very tenebrous.

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