Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thirst for Knowledge

Tonight, I had the most, in my 10 years of being able to think, fascinating conversation. I learned theories and opinions about the most ordinary things. The thoughts about religion, human evolution, government and time travel. It made me actually want to try in school and do my homework so that I can come up with these types of theories as well. But when I think about it on a higher level, I'm still tired of high school. Even so, I want to become smart. When people used to know how to solve a math problem or know lots of vocabulary words, I would call them smart. Epiphany strikes when there is so much more to it. Yeah, there are many knowledgeable people, but those that know what others don't are the smart ones. Those that have bizarre knowledge that a majority of people would call crazy. I was simple intrigued in what he had to say that it gave me inspiration to do well in school. Know everything I can so that I can have intellectual conversations like that. Man, it was awesome.

I can't wait for college. That way, I might actually have a chance in talking with people that are smart and don't just care about what they're wearing the next day.

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