Tuesday, November 15, 2011


dogmatic adj asserting opinions and beliefs as though they were proven facts

Oh, don't I have a lot to write about this one. I clearly have two tests tomorrow that I will probably receive 40s on and yet, I am here to do my daily blogging. I'm so incompetent.
Let's start with a sentence shall we?
When asked, people were very dogmatic when they spoke of how wonderful [insert high school here] was.
BOY, were they wrong~ I can't begin to explain how wrong they were. I can't begin to explain how stupid I was as to fall for their "trap". I've always struggled with remembering the definition of this word, and now, I think it'll be easy to remember. My school? Hm...maybe ten years from now I will look back and think it wasn't so bad because it has already passed. As of right now, it is nothing short of...shit. I try to make this blog as truthful as possible so I won't sugar coat it.
OH, or,
Dogmatic behavior was shown when a student tried to argue to Jay that her problems were clearly more important.
Good day to you all;

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